



论文发布分子神经科学前沿博士本古尔特描述他的新理论如何视脑为机超计算机 运行复杂的二元代码 神经细胞像机械计算机广域网信息存储分子操作开关如何嵌入突触表示二进制代码识别物理位置存储脑中 并显示存储器 以分子形状写成

理论基础是发现蛋白分子,即Talin,内含“开关式”域,以响应细胞机械压力改变形状开关有2稳定状态0和1, 存储于分子中的二进制信息模式取决于先前输入值, 类似于计算机中的Save历史函数 。以二进制格式存储的信息可以通过小小变化更新 由细胞元件生成

脑中数万亿神经元电化学信号发生突触间, 每一突触都包含塔林分子架子假设为结构式时,本研究显示塔林蛋白网格实为数组二分开关,有可能存储信息并编码内存


博士国外欧洲杯足球彩票Goult生物化学阅读器表示:“这项研究显示,从许多方面讲,脑像Charles Babbage及其分析引擎的早期机械计算机内置机轮机起用拉杆和齿轮协调计算 响应化学电信号和那些早期计算模型一样,这种发现可能是新理解脑功能和治疗脑病的开始。”

参考文献:Benjamin T的Meshcode理论古尔特市2021年2月25日分子神经科学前沿.


  1. 因此,我认为我不同意你


  2. Then frances said make my demand… for equal rights as it is a contractual expectation if the contract we call the constitution of the united states of america and set our selves free from the butchery of local inspection of our neurological and fragile existence being executed by network executives who feed off of seeing what they control as evidenced by the above declarations, and they are now being seen by my fellow citizens of great expectation called freedom must be if we are to indeed live past these methodologies of social disease and separation if the loy of the leftovers whi will live like the small children left behind on the trail to the west when their elders were killed by the losers of the weapons they carry calling them the police you know with power and authority looking I hear as one woman sneers I'd say Derek purty in dem uniforms but oh so little feeble minded when we have seen the best dressed who moniture dimension wusses whom I call cur, when I feel the urge… to recall nazi… organizations being called by camp bells ringing so run home to you maom… and suck on my… motion to eliminate from our nation, those who wish only to control and not set free but laugh when they kill up close, as they think butter to say infthe locker room where they clap their little hands together with their pistols in their pockets because… they think killing us what being a sheriff or trooper or officer is all about, like the cloak of jesus they put on him to witness his expression as the spear was thrust into his chest, igniting the fire called… what they enjoy best, as after that they divided his lot with the bones and skull you see clearly at the foot of the cross.想象一下用钱支付这些杀手吧,你认为最好取舍而不是保留,因为害怕你家被攻击并关闭,即使是在被称为免疫机能丧失综合症的流行病期间也是如此。 高龄综合症我们现在清晰地回想起来,它是一个目标型种族主义事件,称为消除那些警察不愿继续监视的人,如果起诉恶意行为和未来.如果死的话.

  3. 信息如何持续跨神经元生命周期非边际存储系统冗余或擦除代码用于错误校正似乎不太可能进化

